Gabriel Network is HIRING a Mission Advancement Director!

Mission Advancement Director  

Gabriel Network is looking for a Mission Advancement Director who is passionate about our mission and has the skills to cultivate and solicit major gifts from individual donors. The Mission Advancement Director will be responsible for managing a portfolio of major donors and prospects, developing and implementing strategies to engage and cultivate donors, and soliciting gifts.  A successful Mission Advancement Director will be a person with excellent communication and negotiation skills. They will be able to promote and represent the mission as a leader in this space. Top candidates will be able to solve problems and develop individualized strategies that work for different donors. 

Mission Advancement Director Duties:  
•  Raising funds for the organization. 
•  Researching and meeting with potential new donors. 
•  Maintaining and building relationships with current donors. 
•  Creating monthly reports that outlining revenue through philanthropy. 
•  Meeting with other members of the organization to ensure mission alignment.  
•  Assist with annual budgetary planning. •  Develop and oversee individual giving strategies. 
•  Understand the organization’s fundraising goals and objectives.
 •  Manage a major gift portfolio. 
•  Oversee gift processing.
 •  Mine major gift prospects for mission alignment. 
 •  Develop proposals and presentation materials. 
•  Create and maintain a database of prospects and donors. 
•  Plan, coordinate, and oversee special maternity home specific events. 
•  Develop and organize donor recognition.
 •  Provide advancement support to the board.  

Mission Advancement Director Responsibilities: 
•  Create, implement, maintain, and administer a major gifts program. 
•  Oversee, manage, and report all fundraising and development activities on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
 •  Develop and implement retention, acquisition, and stewardship programming and plans for major gift prospects. 
•  Close gifts in accordance with donor expectations and goals in compliance with all IRS and 501(c)3 regulations. 
•  Support marketing and advancement administrative initiatives
  Track, report, and research individual, corporate, and foundation giving trends. 
•  Partner with the executive director to coordinator systems, processes, and procedures for major gift fundraising. 
•  Develop and execute an annual plan for the major gifts program.  

Mission Advancement Director Requirements and Skills: 
•  3+ years’ proven experience soliciting major gifts.  
•  A proven track record of cultivating major gift relationships. 
•  A bachelor’s degree, with a preference for a degree in public relations, finance, or related field or comparable relevant experience in those fields. 
•  A solid understanding of non-profit finances and budgeting. 
•  Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 
•  Strong public speaking skills, ability to engage and persuade others.
 •  Strong interpersonal skills

Email Tiffany Harley at to submit your resume and cover letter. 

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