Southwest Airlines is HOSTING a Hiring Session November 16th!


Meet with Southwest representatives on Wednesday, November 16th, to learn about the fun-loving culture that is Southwest. They will discuss the day-to-day responsibilities of an Ops Agent at BWI Airport. Wages start at $17 an hour with benefits including full medical & free space-available flights!

Two informational sessions are available at the Eastpoint Career Center at 7930 Eastern Avenue in Baltimore. The first session is at 10 a.m., and the second session is at 1 p.m.

Log into the Maryland Workforce Exchange website at and register to attend.

Navigate to “Other Services” (left-hand side of the screen), then “Appointment Center,” then “Events Calendar.” Enter event ID 97031 (10 AM session) or 97032 (1 PM session), hit filter, and then register.

Social Media Clean Up Tips for Job Seekers!